10 quick and easy tips to spend less and market more!

branding content marketing email marketing marketing strategy personal branding

The prospect of marketing your business can be overwhelming, especially when your budget is tight.

But don’t despair! Often the most simple and cost-effective ideas can produce the best results.

Here are my 10 quick and easy tips to spend less and market more!

  1. Blog – Still one of the most effective ways to share your knowledge and expertise as well as position your brand and extend your reach. Engage with your desired audience in a more informal way - search engines love them too!

  2. Network (Offline) - People buy from people! It’s a two-way process - making connections and building mutually beneficial relationships.

    There are plenty of local and regional networking events from BNI to Network B2B, Chamber of Commerce to FSB. If you can’t find a suitable networking event – why not set up your own?

  3. Network (Online) - Currently over 250,000+ social media groups - region, sector and industry specific.

    Networking online will provide an opportunity to engage with like-minded professionals as well as source new business opportunities and promote your brand.

  4. Public Speaking – Can seem incredibly daunting at first, BUT, public speaking provides the opportunity for face-to-face networking whilst increasing your business’ visibility to a wide and diverse audience.

  5. Customer Referral Program - Offer your existing customers something for referring new customers. Free samples, discounted products or services or even a worthy gift, will encourage your customers to become brand advocates for your business – spreading the news far and wide!

  6. Collaborate – If your competitors are large established businesses who seem to win every contract going, maximise your competitiveness by collaborating with other businesses who share common interests e.g. An accountant working with HR consultant... A marketer working with a printer...

  7. Google My Business – check it out - it's FREE! Google will love you!

  8. Host a free workshop - a face-to-face presentation with an engaged audience / potential customers sharing your expertise and knowledge, BUT don't just sell - consider the ‘value’ you are offering!

  9. Create an eBook - another golden opportunity to promote your knowledge and expertise – adding value to our customer experience!

    Use them to build your email list – but make sure they’re GDPR friendly.

  10. Newsjack - share your views on a current ‘trending’ story - great for brand positioning and expressing your knowledge, expertise and values. 

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