How to stand out and engage more effectively on social media

Social media is a very powerful marketing channel which continues to grow in popularity:
Currently there are 4.20 billion social media users around the world – which has grown by 490 million over the past 12 months, delivering year-on-year growth of more than 13%*
In fact, the number of social media users is now equivalent to more than 53% of the world’s total population*
The typical user now spends 2 hours and 25 minutes on social media each day, equating to roughly one full waking day of their life each week*
If managed and utilised appropriately, it can be an invaluable communication and lead generation tool for any business.
However, many business owners have experienced poor results and don't apply the necessary time and resources to dedicate to their social media marketing.
So what makes a business stand out and engage more effectively on social media?
Plenty of businesses make the fatal mistake of being non-human. And it’s surprisingly easy to do.
Being corporate is fine.
Being formal is fine.
However, being a brick wall made purely of corporate messages, sales promotions and business jargon is not. These businesses are using this brick wall to alienate their customers.
They’re being the opposite of engaging, and the result is that they push their target market away.
It’s a fact:
People buy from people.
We all desire the ‘human’ interaction.
Social media humanises our business and personal brand.
Therefore, we MUST try to 'humanise' our brand.
But how?
Here's my four tips showing you how to stand out and engage more effectively on social media?
1. Everyone who will see you on social media is also a human.
They think, feel and act like humans. Even your boss.
It doesn’t matter if they’re using a personal or business account. They have interests, likes and dislikes, and a set attention span.
This means that all the rules of selling, and everything you know about humans, still applies. Please don’t write like you’re speaking to robots.
2. Embrace the power of community
The real power of social media is the way that it can help you to grow a community of fans and followers, who engage and communicate with you, and who (crucially) share what you post with their own network of followers.
Your community is not only your target market, but also nearby businesses, industry leaders, news agencies, partners and suppliers.
Online communities also provide the opportunity to acquire pertinent information and insights from your followers, which ultimately could help inform and shape your next product or service.
3. Engage more enthusiastically with your community
If someone takes the time to interact with your content, thank them for it.
A little kindness goes a long way, and if your audience feel appreciated, they will associate this positive feeling with your brand.
Comment on posts – your own, your audience’s, posts on what’s going on in your sector. Be part of the action, don’t watch from the balcony.
Take part in group chats – your only aim here is to build relationships and see what your target audience are interested in. Do not sell, that would be a brick in the corporate wall you’re putting up to alienate your audience.
Always reply to comments on your page or posts. Questions that go unanswered make you look bad to everyone who sees, and pushes customers away when they are actively trying to engage with you. Your tone is essential – no matter how unfriendly someone may be, you must keep it professional.
4. Stop trying to sell!
Are we on social media to sell?
That may be the end game, but this isn’t snakes and ladders so there’s no jumping to the end.
Focus on informing, educating and engaging. Foster relationships with your target audience – it’s not about quick wins now, it’s about playing the long game and building loyalty that lasts.
*Research conducted and published by We Are Social / Hootsuite
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