Marketing Masterplan - The Book
Learn how to plan, create and implement your marketing
strategies and grow a profitable business

Marketing Masterplan - The Book
244 pages including worksheets, templates, charts and guides to help you plan, create and implement your marketing strategies and grow a profitable business.
£15 INC P&P (Limited number available)
NORMALLY £24.95 + £3.95 P&P
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What will I learn from the Marketing Masterplan Book?
Purpose – Learn how to establish your business aims and set those measurable marketing objectives;
Intelligence – Learn how to define your target audience; Analyse your competitors; and complete a SWOT Analysis;
Proposition – Learn how to define your Brand Value Proposition and create a Unique Selling Proposition;
Tools – Learn how to review your existing marketing tools to plan the specific tactics across digital (web, social media, email...) and traditional media (direct mail, PR and events);
Conversion – Learn how to determine which tools and channels are the most effective at each stage of the conversion funnel and how / when they will be implemented;
Results – Learn how to set those key metrics for measuring all your marketing activity, across digital and traditional platforms - whilst keeping a close eye on your ROI!
I'm really impressed with the content, layout and just how friendly Marketing Masterplan is. One of those books that you can go to when you need to work something out or get a practical solution. It will be a great help to sole traders, SMEs and even the corporates could learn something!! Well worth a copy on your bookshelf unless you know everything there is to know on " how to plan, create and implement your marketing strategies and grow a profitable business".

John D.
Business Performance, Life Coach and Therapist

Marketing Masterplan - The Book
244 pages including worksheets, templates, charts and guides to help you plan, create and implement your marketing strategies and grow a profitable business.
Only £15 including P+P*
Delivery is 3-5 working (UK) from receipt of payment. Most UK destinations.
"It has been amazing working with Simon! He is extremely proficient in coaching and marketing. His positivity and enthusiasm is infectious and our meetings left me 'buzzing' with ideas. Simon was very good at identifying our core strengths and USP and consequently offering advice and coaching on how to promote these to our target market."